90+ Alien Puns That Will Abduct Your Funny Bone

Alien Puns: Embark on a cosmic voyage through the galaxy of humour with our collection of 90 stellar puns that promise to send you spiralling into fits of laughter. From lunar quips to interstellar jests, we’ll explore the outer reaches of comedy together. Whether you’re a space enthusiast or just someone who enjoys a good laugh, these puns are sure to entertain. Join us as we traverse the universe, encountering astronauts, aliens, and celestial phenomena along the way. Get ready to launch into a world where the jokes are truly universal and the laughter knows no bounds. It’s time to explore the final frontier of funny!

Close Encounters of the Pun Kind

  1. Why was the alien comedian so successful? Because it had out-of-this-world timing!
  2. What do you call an alien who forgets? An extraterrestrial!
  3. How do aliens keep their pants up? With asteroid belts!

Cosmic Chuckles – Space-themed Puns That Are Truly Universal

  1. Why did the alien break up with his girlfriend? She needed some “space”!
  2. What do you call a nervous Martian? A little “ufo-cused”!
  3. Why don’t Martians use social media? Because they prefer to stay “far out”!
  4. What do you get when you cross a Martian with a kangaroo? An extraterrestrial “hopper”!
  5. Why did the alien bring a telescope to the party? Because it wanted to “planet”-gaze!
  6. What do you call a mischievous lunar rover? A moon “prankster”!
  7. Why don’t aliens ever get lost on the moon? Because they always follow the “crater” map!
  8. What did the moon say to the asteroid? “You rock my world”!
  9. Why did the astronaut break up with the moon? He found it too “crater”-ful!
  10. Why don’t aliens eat clowns? Because they taste “funny”!
  11. How do aliens organize a party? They “planet”!
  12. What do you call an alien who forgets? An “extraterrestrial”!
  13. Why was the alien comedian so successful? Because it had “out-of-this-world” timing!
  14. How do aliens like their eggs? “Unidentified and scrambled”!
  15. Why did the alien go to school? To improve its “meteor”-ological knowledge!
  16. What do you get when you cross an alien with a garden? “Crop circles”!
  17. Why did the alien break up with the astronaut? It needed more “space”!
  18. What do you call a flying saucer’s navigation system? “Star” maps!
  19. Why did the alien refuse to fight? It came in peace, not “pieces”!
  20. How do aliens travel from planet to planet? They “comet”!
  21. Why don’t aliens play hide-and-seek? Because good luck finding them – they’re “light years” ahead!
  22. What do you call an alien spa? A “cosmic” retreat!
  23. How do aliens stay in shape? They do “cosmic” yoga!
  24. Why did the alien go to the doctor? It had a case of “space-sickness”!
  25. What did the alien say to the astronaut? “You’re out of this world!”
  26. How do aliens throw parties? They planet in advance!
  27. What’s an alien’s favorite type of math? Trigonome-try!

The Milky Way of Alien Puns – A Constellation of Humor

  1. “Why did the alien break up with his girlfriend? Because he needed space!”
  2. “How do aliens keep in touch? They planet!”
  3. “What do you call an alien with muscles? An extra-terrestrial!”
  4. “Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere!”
  5. “Why did the alien sit on the mushroom? Because he wanted to visit the spaceport!”
  6. “How do aliens file their taxes? They use an E.T. form!”

Warp Speed Ahead – Tips for Incorporating Alien Puns into Your Daily Life

  1. Stay up-to-date with the latest space news: Keeping abreast of developments in space exploration and astronomy can provide ample inspiration for crafting your own alien puns.
  2. Embrace your inner sci-fi geek: Whether you’re a die-hard Trekkie or a Star Wars aficionado, drawing inspiration from your favourite sci-fi franchises can yield a treasure trove of alien-themed humour.
  3. Think outside the box: Don’t be afraid to let your imagination run wild when crafting alien puns. The more outlandish and unexpected, the better!
  4. Share the laughter: Alien puns are best enjoyed with others, so don’t hesitate to share your cosmic wit with friends, family, and colleagues.

Also, Read More: 100+ Slurp Up the Fun – A Noodle-Tastic Guide to Ramen Puns!

Cosmic Comedy – Alien Puns That Will Launch You into Laughter

  1. What’s an alien’s favorite kind of math? “Trigonome-tree”!
  2. Why was the alien chef so popular? It made the best “flying saucer” dishes!
  3. How do aliens communicate during football games? They use “cosmic” signals!
  4. What’s an alien’s favorite candy? “Milky Ways”!
  5. Why did the alien break up with its spaceship? It wanted to “explore new galaxies”!
  6. What do you get when you cross an alien with a snowman? “Frostbite” from another planet!
  7. How do aliens write in space? They use “space-pens”!
  8. Why did the alien bring a suitcase to the party? It was ready for a “space-cation”!
  9. What’s an alien’s favorite game show? “Wheel of Extraterrestrial”!
  10. Why did the alien go to the art museum? It wanted to see some “out-of-this-world” paintings!
  11. What did the alien say to the garden? “Take me to your weeder”!
  12. How do aliens like their coffee? “Extraterrestrial”!
  13. What do you call an alien that sings? A “star-tist”!
  14. Why don’t aliens eat Earthlings? Because they prefer a “cosmic diet”!
  15. What did the alien teacher say to the student? “Take me to your reader”!
  16. Why don’t aliens play cards? Because they’re always “dealing with space”!
  17. What do you call a fashion-forward alien? A “trendsetter” from another galaxy!
  18. Why did the alien invite the cow to its party? Because it heard Earthlings like “moo-sic”!
  19. What did the alien bring to the picnic? “Martian-mallows”!
  20. Why did the alien go to the comedy club? It wanted to “laugh its antennae off”!
  21. What do you call an alien detective? An “investi-gator”!
  22. Why did the alien refuse to swim? It didn’t want to get “sucked into a black hole”!
  23. How do aliens play soccer? With a “universe-al” ball!
  24. Why did the alien cross the road? To “explore new galaxies” on the other side!
  25. What’s an alien’s favorite game? Flying saucer Frisbee!
  26. What did the alien say to the cat? Take me to your feeder!
  27. What do you call a mischievous alien? A practical joker-naut!

Milky Way Mirth

  1. What’s an alien’s favorite ice cream flavor? “Cosmic vanilla”!
  2. Why did the alien wear sunglasses? It wanted to protect its “inter-galactic” eyes!
  3. How do aliens apologize? They say, “I’m extraterribly sorry”!
  4. Why did the alien bring a ladder to the bar? It heard the drinks were “out of this world”!
  5. How do aliens tell time? With a “galaxy clock”!
  6. Why did the alien bring a map to the party? It didn’t want to get “lost in space”!
  7. What did the alien say to the computer? “Take me to your webmaster”!
  8. Why don’t aliens play basketball? Because they always “abduct” the ball!
  9. What’s an alien’s favorite sport? “Flying saucer” racing!
  10. Why did the alien go to school? To study “astro-chemistry”!
  11. What do you call an alien’s pet? An “extra-terrestrial”!
  12. Why don’t aliens get lost in the desert? Because they can always “beam up”!
  13. How do aliens pay for things? With “cosmic” credit cards!
  14. What did the alien say to the mathematician? “Take me to your integer”!
  15. Why did the alien break up with its spaceship? It wanted to “explore new galaxies”!
  16. What’s an alien’s favorite game? “Inter-galactic” chess!
  17. Why don’t aliens eat at fast food restaurants? Because they prefer “cosmic cuisine”!
  18. How do aliens listen to music? With “inter-galactic” headphones!
  19. What do you call an alien’s car? A “space cruiser”!
  20. Why don’t aliens get sunburned? Because they have “alien protection”!
  21. What did the alien say to the computer? “Take me to your leaderboard”!
  22. How do aliens stay in shape? They do “cosmic” aerobics!
  23. Why did the alien go to the beach? It wanted to catch some “cosmic rays”!
  24. What’s an alien’s favorite toy? “Intergalactic” action figures!
  25. Why did the alien bring a shovel to the party? It heard there would be “space digging”!
  26. How do aliens greet each other? With a “cosmic handshake”!
  27. What’s an alien’s favorite snack? Mars-hmallows!